MCQ on Inheritance in java: Top 30

Hey there! Ready to tackle some MCQ on Inheritance in java? This set of MCQ on Inheritance in java is designed to be beginner-friendly, so don’t worry if you’re new to programming. We’ll cover the basics like superclass, subclass, and method inheritance. It’s a great way to get comfortable with this important concept in Java programming. Let’s jump right in and have some fun learning together!

MCQ on Inheritance in java answer with explanation

multiple choice questions on inheritance in java programming

MCQ 1: What is inheritance in Java?
a) A mechanism for creating new objects
b) A mechanism for one object to acquire the properties and behaviors of another
c) A technique for defining interfaces
d) A method for defining variables and methods in a class

Correct Answer: b) A mechanism for one object to acquire the properties and behaviors of another

MCQ 2: What is the main benefit of using inheritance in Java?
a) Code reusability
b) Code encapsulation
c) Code performance optimization
d) Code abstraction

Correct Answer: a) Code reusability

MCQ 3: Which keyword is used to denote inheritance in Java?
a) implement
b) inherit
c) extends
d) access

Correct Answer: c) extends

MCQ 4: What term is used to describe a class that inherits from another class?
a) Superclass
b) Parent class
c) Subclass
d) Base class

Correct Answer: c) Subclass

MCQ 5: What is NOT a reason for using inheritance in Java?
a) Method Overriding
b) Code Reusability
c) Code Encapsulation
d) Achieving Runtime Polymorphism

Correct Answer: c) Code Encapsulation

MCQ 6: Why is multiple inheritance not supported in Java?
a) It leads to runtime errors
b) It simplifies the language and reduces complexity
c) It results in compile-time errors
d) It increases code reusability

Correct Answer: b) It simplifies the language and reduces complexity

MCQ 7: Which type of inheritance involves a chain of classes inheriting from one another?
a) Single Inheritance
b) Multilevel Inheritance
c) Hierarchical Inheritance
d) Hybrid Inheritance

Correct Answer: b) Multilevel Inheritance

MCQ 8: Which keyword is used to refer to the immediate parent class object in Java?
a) parent
b) this
c) super
d) that

Correct Answer: c) super

MCQ 9: What error occurs if a class inherits from multiple classes that have methods with the same signature?
a) Compile-time error
b) Runtime error
c) Syntax error
d) Logical error

Correct Answer: a) Compile-time error

MCQ 10: What is the purpose of the super keyword in Java?
a) To call methods of the current class
b) To access superclass members
c) To create a new instance of a class
d) To implement multiple inheritance

Correct Answer: b) To access superclass members

MCQ 11: Which type of inheritance involves a single class inheriting from two or more classes?
a) Single Inheritance
b) Multilevel Inheritance
c) Hierarchical Inheritance
d) Multiple Inheritance

Correct Answer: d) Multiple Inheritance

MCQ 12: What is the primary benefit of using inheritance in Java?
a) Code encapsulation
b) Code reusability
c) Code optimization
d) Code abstraction

Correct Answer: b) Code reusability

MCQ 13: What keyword is used to invoke the immediate parent class constructor in Java?
a) new
b) constructor
c) superclass
d) super

Correct Answer: d) super

MCQ 14: Which type of inheritance involves multiple classes inheriting from a single superclass?
a) Single Inheritance
b) Multilevel Inheritance
c) Hierarchical Inheritance
d) Hybrid Inheritance

Correct Answer: c) Hierarchical Inheritance

MCQ 15: What does the extends keyword indicate in Java inheritance syntax?
a) Decrease the functionality of a class
b) Create a new instance of a class
c) Inherit from an existing class
d) Implement an interface

Correct Answer: c) Inherit from an existing class

MCQ on inheritance in java with answers

Let’s kick off with a fun quiz all about inheritance in Java! Inheritance is like passing down traits from one class to another, making your code more efficient and organized. This mcq on inheritance in java test is here to help you grasp how it works in Java. You’ll tackle questions about how classes relate to each other, overriding methods, and controlling access to your code. Each question is crafted to challenge you just enough, and don’t worry, we’ll explain the answers afterward to make sure you’re learning as you go. Ready to dive in and test your mcq on inheritance in java chops? Let’s do this!

MCQ on Inheritance in java Top 30

MCQ 1: What does the `super` keyword do in Java? 

   – a) Invokes parent class constructor 

   – b) Invokes child class constructor 

   – c) Calls a static method 

   – d) Accesses instance variables of child class 

   Correct Answer: a) Invokes parent class constructor 

   Explanation: The `super` keyword in Java is used to invoke the parent class constructor. It is typically used within the constructor of a subclass to call the constructor of its superclass. 

 MCQ 2: When is the `super` keyword used to invoke a method in Java? 

   – a) When the method is declared as private in the superclass 

   – b) When the method is overridden in the subclass 

   – c) When the method is declared as static in the superclass 

   – d) When the method is declared as final in the superclass 

   Correct Answer: b) When the method is overridden in the subclass 

   Explanation: The `super` keyword is used to invoke the parent class method when the method is overridden in the subclass. It ensures that the method of the parent class is executed. 

MCQ 3: What is the output of the following code snippet? 

   class Animal { 

       void eat() { System.out.println(“eating…”); } 


   class Dog extends Animal { 

       void eat() { System.out.println(“eating bread…”); } 

       void bark() { System.out.println(“barking…”); } 

       void work() { 





   class TestSuper2 { 

       public static void main(String args[]) { 

           Dog d = new Dog(); 




   – a) eating… 

   – b) eating bread… 

   – c) eating… barking… 

   – d) Compile-time error 

   Correct Answer: c) eating… barking… 

   Explanation: The `work()` method of the `Dog` class first invokes the `eat()` method of the parent class using ``, and then it calls the `bark()` method. Therefore, the output is “eating… barking…”. 

 MCQ 4: What is the purpose of declaring a method as `final` in Java? 

   – a) To prevent the method from being overridden in subclasses 

   – b) To prevent the method from being accessed outside its class 

   – c) To allow the method to be accessed by any subclass 

   – d) To allow the method to be overridden in subclasses 

   Correct Answer: a) To prevent the method from being overridden in subclasses 

   Explanation: Declaring a method as `final` in Java prevents subclasses from overriding that method. It ensures that the behavior of the method remains constant across all subclasses. 

 MCQ 5: What happens if an attempt is made to override a `final` method in a subclass? 

   – a) Compilation error 

   – b) Runtime error 

   – c) Method in the subclass takes precedence 

   – d) Method in the superclass takes precedence 

   Correct Answer: a) Compilation error 

   Explanation: If an attempt is made to override a `final` method in a subclass, it results in a compilation error. Java does not allow the overriding of `final` methods. 

MCQ 6: What is the output of the following code snippet? 

   class Animal { 

       Animal() { System.out.println(“animal is created”); } 


   class Dog extends Animal { 

       Dog() { 


           System.out.println(“dog is created”); 



   class TestSuper3 { 

       public static void main(String args[]) { 

           Dog d = new Dog(); 




   – a) animal is created dog is created 

   – b) dog is created animal is created 

   – c) animal is created 

   – d) dog is created 

   Correct Answer: a) animal is created dog is created 

   Explanation: The constructor of the `Animal` class is invoked first due to `super()` in the `Dog` class constructor, followed by the constructor of the `Dog` class. Therefore, the output is “animal is created dog is created”. 

MCQ 7: What is the purpose of the `final` keyword when applied to a variable in Java? 

   – a) It allows the variable to be accessed only within its class 

   – b) It makes the variable immutable 

   – c) It allows the variable to be reassigned multiple times 

   – d) It restricts the variable from being declared as static 

   Correct Answer: b) It makes the variable immutable 

   Explanation: When a variable is declared as `final` in Java, its value cannot be changed once assigned. It effectively makes the variable immutable. 

 MCQ 8: Which of the following statements about `final` variables in Java is true? 

   – a) They must be initialized at the time of declaration 

   – b) They can be reassigned multiple times after initialization 

   – c) They cannot be declared as instance variables 

   – d) They are automatically initialized to null if not assigned a value 

   Correct Answer: a) They must be initialized at the time of declaration 

   Explanation: `final` variables in Java must be initialized at the time of declaration. Failure to initialize them results in a compilation error. 

MCQ 9: What is the significance of a `final` class in Java? 

   – a) It cannot be instantiated 

   – b) It cannot have any methods 

   – c) It allows subclasses to override its methods 

   – d) It can be extended by any other class 

   Correct Answer: a) It cannot be instantiated 

   Explanation: When a class is declared as `final` in Java, it cannot be subclassed or extended. Additionally, it cannot be instantiated directly. 

. MCQ 10: Can a `final` method in a superclass be inherited by its subclasses in Java? 

    – a) Yes, and it can be overridden 

    – b) No, `final` methods cannot be inherited 

    – c) Yes, but it cannot be invoked 

    – d) No, `final` methods cannot be inherited or overridden 

    Correct Answer: a) Yes, and it can be overridden 

    Explanation: `final` methods in a superclass are inherited by its subclasses, but they cannot be overridden. However, the subclasses can still access and use the `final` method. 

MCQ 11: What happens if an attempt is made to declare a `final` constructor in Java? 

    – a) Compilation error 

    – b) Runtime error 

    – c) Constructor is automatically made `static` 

    – d) Constructor cannot be called from outside its class 

    Correct Answer: a) Compilation error 

    Explanation: Constructors cannot be declared as `final` in Java. Attempting to do so will result in a compilation error. 

 MCQ 12: What is a blank or uninitialized `final` variable in Java? 

    – a) A variable declared without any value assignment 

    – b) A variable declared as `final` within a method 

    – c) A variable that is declared `static` within a class 

    – d) A variable that is declared `final` within a loop 

    Correct Answer: a) A variable declared without any value assignment 

    Explanation: A blank or uninitialized `final` variable in Java is a variable declared with the `final` keyword but not assigned a value at the time of declaration. 

 MCQ 13: How can a blank `final` variable be initialized in Java? 

    – a) It can only be initialized within a method 

    – b) It can only be initialized within a loop 

    – c) It can only be initialized within a static block 

    – d) It can only be initialized within a constructor 

    Correct Answer: d) It can only be initialized within a constructor 

    Explanation: A blank `final` variable can only be initialized within a constructor in Java. Once initialized, its value cannot be changed. 

 MCQ 14: What is the significance of a static blank `final` variable in Java? 

    – a) It can be initialized multiple times 

    – b) It can only be accessed by static methods 

    – c) It must be initialized within a non-static block 

    – d) It can be initialized only within a static block 

    Correct Answer: d) It can be initialized only within a static block 

    Explanation: A static blank `final` variable in Java must be initialized within a static block. Once initialized, its value remains constant throughout the program’s execution. 

. MCQ 15: What is the purpose of declaring a parameter as `final` in a method in Java? 

    – a) It restricts the parameter from being accessed within the method 

    – b) It allows the parameter to be modified within the method 

    – c) It prevents the parameter from being reassigned within the method 

    – d) It prevents the parameter from being passed to the method 

    Correct Answer: c) It prevents the parameter from being reassigned within the method 

    Explanation: Declaring a parameter as `final` in a method in Java prevents its value from being changed or reassigned within the method. It ensures the parameter remains constant. 

16. MCQ 16: Is it possible to declare a constructor as `final` in Java? 

    – a) Yes, and it prevents the class from being instantiated 

    – b) No, constructors cannot be declared as `final` 

    – c) Yes, and it ensures that the constructor cannot be inherited 

    – d) No, constructors are always `final` by default 

    Correct Answer: b) No, constructors cannot be declared as `final` 

    Explanation: Constructors in Java cannot be declared as `final`. They are always implicitly `final` and cannot be overridden. 

MCQ 17: What is the output of the following code snippet? 

    class Bike11 { 

        int cube(final int n) { 

            n = n + 2; 

            n n n; 


        public static void main(String args[]) { 

            Bike11 b = new Bike11(); 





    – a) Compilation error 

    – b) Runtime error 

    – c) Output: 125 

    – d) Output: Compile Time Error 

    Correct Answer: d) Output: Compile Time Error 

    Explanation: The code snippet attempts to modify the value of a `final` parameter `n` within the `cube()` method, which results in a compilation error. 

MCQ on Inheritance in java Top 30 with answer

MCQ 18: What happens if an attempt is made to inherit from a `final` class in Java? 

    – a) Compilation error 

    – b) Runtime error 

    – c) Class inherits normally 

    – d) Class inherits but cannot access any methods 

    Correct Answer: a) Compilation error 

    Explanation: Attempting to inherit from a `final` class in Java results in a compilation error. `final` classes cannot be subclassed. 

MCQ 19: What is the primary purpose of the `final` keyword in Java? 

    – a) To improve performance 

    – b) To enforce encapsulation 

    – c) To restrict subclassing, method overriding, or variable reassignment 

    – d) To enable multithreading 

    Correct Answer: c) To restrict subclassing, method overriding, or variable reassignment 

    Explanation: The primary purpose of the `final` keyword in Java is to restrict certain behaviors such as subclassing, method overriding, or variable reassignment. 

MCQ 20: Can a `final` method be overloaded in Java? 

    – a) Yes, but it cannot be overridden 

    – b) Yes, and it can be overridden 

    – c) No, `final` methods cannot be overloaded 

    – d) No, `final` methods cannot be inherited 

    Correct Answer: a) Yes, but it cannot be overridden 

    Explanation: `final` methods can be overloaded in Java, meaning multiple methods with the same name but different parameters can exist in the same class. However, they cannot be overridden by subclasses. 

For learning Java Programming through multiple-choice questions, consider exploring resources

For additional resources to learn Java Programming through java mcq questions & mcq on inheritance in java, you can explore various online platforms and websites dedicated to programming education and assessment. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Core JAVA MCQ Questions Test with Answer-Top 50 – Programming Hack
  2. Core Java MCQ – Top 100 Questions and Answers (
  3. 50 Java MCQ Questions Interview Questions: Cracking Java Interviews – Programming Hack
  4. JAVA MCQ Questions Online Test, Exam, Quiz, and Practice Top 100+ – Programming Hack
  5. Master the Java Interview: Top 100 Java MCQ Questions and Answers – Programming Hack

By exploring these resources, you can find a variety of Java MCQ Questions Answer to practice and enhance your Java programming skills at your own pace.

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