Difference between queue and stack difference | top 10 difference

This blog will explore the queue and stack difference in Data Structure, assuming a prior understanding of what queue and stack are. It will then compare difference between queue and stack. Study some MCQs related to the between queue and stack difference in Data Structure.

Discover the Queue and Stack difference effortlessly! Our blog simplifies complex data structures, highlighting key disparities between queues and stacks. Learn their unique organizational principles and real-world applications in just a few clicks. Master these fundamentals and enhance your coding skills today!

queue and stack difference

What is Queue? Data Structure

Queue in a Non-primitive Linear data Structure. It is an homogeneous collection of element in which new element are added at one end called the Rear End, and the existing element are deleted from other end of called the front end.

The first added element will be the first to be remove from the queue that is the reason queue is called First IN Frist Out (FIFO) type list. In queue every insert operation Rear is increment by one and every deleted operation Front is increment by one.

What is Stack? Data Structure

Queue in a Non-primitive Linear data Structure. It is ordered list in which addition of new data item and deletion of already existing data item is done from only one end known as Top of Stack (TOS).

The last added element will be the first to be removed form stack. This is reason stack is called Last IN First Out (LIFO).

Difference between Queue and Stack Data Structure

Follows LIFO (Last In, First Out)Follows FIFO (First In, First Out)
Elements inserted and removed from the same end (the “top”)Elements inserted at the rear (enqueue) and removed from the front (dequeue)
Insertion and deletion occur on one endInsertion and deletion occur on opposite ends
Last element inserted is the first to be removedFirst element inserted is the first to be removed
Used in scenarios where last-in should be first-out, like function call stacks, expression evaluation, and backtracking algorithmsUsed when the order of elements is important, such as task scheduling and printing tasks
Operations include push (add to top) and pop (remove from top)Operations include enqueue (add to rear) and dequeue (remove from front)
Example: A stack is like a stack of plates; you can only add or remove a plate from the top.Example: A queue is like people waiting in line for a ticket counter or at a bus stop.
stack and queue difference

Queue and Stack Difference in Data Organization

Organization PrincipleFirst-In-First-Out (FIFO)Last-In-First-Out (LIFO)
Insertion and RemovalEnqueue (at rear), Dequeue (from front)Push (onto top), Pop (from top)
Access PatternsAccess at both ends; dequeue only at frontAccess and remove from top
Data Flow DynamicsLinear flow; elements enter at rear and exit from frontVertical flow; elements added and removed from top
Usage and ApplicationsSequential processing, task scheduling, breadth-first searchNested structures, function call management, expression evaluation
Queue and Stack Difference in Data Organization

Queue and Stack difference: Queue vs Stack

  1. Organization Principle based on Queue and Stack difference:
    • Queue: Queues adhere to the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle, where the element that has been in the queue the longest is the first to be removed. This means that elements are organized in the order they were added, resembling a line or queue in real-world scenarios.
    • Stack: Stacks follow the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle, meaning that the last element added to the stack is the first one to be removed. Consequently, elements are organized in reverse order of their addition, akin to stacking plates or trays.
  2. Insertion and Removal based on Queue and Stack difference:
    • Queue: In a queue, elements are added to the rear (also known as enqueue) and removed from the front (dequeue) of the data structure. This ensures that the oldest elements are processed first, maintaining the FIFO order.
    • Stack: Elements are pushed onto the top of the stack during insertion and popped off from the same top position during removal. This results in the most recently added element being the first to be accessed, adhering to the LIFO principle.
  3. Access Patterns Based on difference between queue and stack:
    • Queue: Accessing elements in a queue typically involves operations at both ends of the structure, with enqueue and dequeue operations. However, only the front element can be accessed without removing it from the queue.
    • Stack: Accessing elements in a stack primarily involves operations at one end, the top of the stack. Elements below the top cannot be directly accessed unless they are popped off the stack sequentially.
  4. Data Flow Dynamics Based on difference between queue and stack::
    • Queue: Data flows through a queue in a linear manner, with elements entering at one end and exiting from the other. This orderly flow resembles the behavior of a line or queue in real-world scenarios.
    • Stack: Data flows through a stack in a vertical manner, with elements being added and removed from the same end (the top). This vertical flow is reminiscent of stacking objects on top of each other.
  5. Usage and Applications Based on difference between queue and stack::
    • Queue: Queues are commonly used in scenarios requiring sequential processing or ordering, such as task scheduling, breadth-first search algorithms, and job management systems.
    • Stack: Stacks find applications in scenarios involving nested structures or last-in-first-out processing, such as function call management, expression evaluation (e.g., postfix notation), and undo functionalities in software applications.


Understanding the differences between queues and stacks is crucial for effective data structuring. Queues follow FIFO, while stacks follow LIFO. This affects insertion, removal, and access patterns. Queues are ideal for sequential processing, while stacks excel in nested structures. Mastering these disparities enhances algorithm efficiency and application performance.

Some other resource to leaning Data structure

  1. Top 25 Must-Know Viva Questions for Data Structures: Boost Your Preparation! – Programming Hack
  2. c programming for Armstrong number 3 Ways – Programming Hack
  3. Difference Between Stack and Queue Data Structures (byjus.com)

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