Array C Programming MCQ Questions Quiz with Explanations

Sharpen your C programming skills with our array manipulation quiz. Test your knowledge of array indexing, traversal, and memory management, and gain a deeper understanding of this fundamental data structure with detailed explanations.

Table of Contents

Introduction Array MCQ Quiz

Arrays are the backbone of C programming, enabling efficient storage and manipulation of data. To enhance your expertise in array operations, we’ve prepared a quiz covering key concepts such as indexing and traversal. In this blog post, we’ll explore the quiz questions, providing clear explanations to reinforce your understanding of array manipulation in C.

Array C Programming MCQ Question Quiz with Explanations

Test your knowledge of array manipulation in C programming with this quiz. Learn about array,array indexing, traversal, and memory management through explanations of each question.

1 / 50

The operation of processing each element in the list is known as

2 / 50

1-D array is initialized using …………..sign to separate values of data elements in…….braces.

3 / 50

Every string is terminated by NULL character. How it is represented?

4 / 50

Which of the following is a variable representing a collection of homogeneous type of elements?

5 / 50

Every line in a C program should end with a semicolon.

6 / 50

What are the disadvantages of arrays?

7 / 50

If we declare “int marks[ ]=new int [5];” array then what is its first and last element?

8 / 50

Declaring an array without ……………..does not create an array object.

9 / 50

The memory address of fifth element of an array can be calculated by the formula

10 / 50

What is the disadvantage of array data structure?

11 / 50

Size of the array need not be specified, when

12 / 50

Creating an array is how many steps process?

13 / 50

Which of the following arrays are used to store tabular data in the form of rows and columns?

14 / 50

What is the difference between numbers[5] and numbers[6] in an array of size 5?

15 / 50

1) Choose a right C Statement.

16 / 50

A double subscripted array declared as int a[ 3 ][ 5 ]; has how many elements?

17 / 50

What type of errors are checked during compilation [ ]

18 / 50

An array object can be created in how many ways?

19 / 50

What is the index of the last element in an array of size 10?

20 / 50

1-D array of characters can be considered as a……………..

21 / 50

What is the data type of the array passed from the command line into the main() function in C?

22 / 50

Which of the following is not a primitive data structure?

23 / 50

An array of similar data types which themselves are a collection of dissimilar data type are ___________

24 / 50

How do you access the elements of an array using a loop?

25 / 50

The keyword ‘break’ cannot be simply used within:

26 / 50

Which of the following symbol signifies the start and end of a C block?

27 / 50

If int marks[ ] = {1,2,3,4,5); is defined in C then what will be the value of marks[3]?

28 / 50

Elements in an array are accessed _____________

29 / 50

To declare 1–D array we use a pair of …………..brackets after array name or after data type.

30 / 50

Which of the following is used as a string termination character?

31 / 50

An index position of an array is associated with array ……………….

32 / 50

What is the size of second dimension in an array sales [5][12]?

33 / 50

How is an array initialized in C language?

34 / 50

……………… useful to represent vector, matrix, and other multi -dimensional data.

35 / 50

 What is the maximun number of dimensions an array in C may have?

36 / 50

What is a multidimensional array?

37 / 50

C program much contain atleast 

38 / 50

How are String represented in memory in C?

39 / 50

Assuming int is of 4bytes, what is the size of int arr[15];?

40 / 50

How do you declare an array of 5 integers?

41 / 50

 Which of the correct syntax to send an array as a parameter to function?

42 / 50

Comment on an array of the void data type.

43 / 50

How do you access elements of an array using a loop in C?

44 / 50

Which keyword can be used for coming out of recursion?

45 / 50

How do you declare an array named numbers that can store 10 integers?

46 / 50

User defined data type can be derived by

47 / 50

The memory address of the first element of an array is called

48 / 50

Two main measures for the efficiency of an algorithm are

49 / 50

Array is an example of _______ type memory allocation.

50 / 50

What does a pointer store?

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Topics Covered in the Array MCQ Quiz:

Array Initialization and Access:

  • Understanding array initialization syntax
  • Accessing elements of an array using index notation

The quiz consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) accompanied by detailed explanations to reinforce your learning and deepen your understanding of array manipulation in C programming.

C Programming Quiz & MCQ

1.Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C

2 .Master the C basics: 50 essential C MCQs with solutions

3. Challenge Yourself: Basic C Programming MCQ Quiz: Test Your Fundamentals (For beginners)

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2. Debugging C Output: A Guide to Understanding and Predicting Program Output

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1. Basics of C Programming MCQ Boost Your Skills with Targeted Questions ( introduction C Programming)

2. Level Up Your C Programming Operator: Test Your C Operator Knowledge with MCQs ( Function in C Programming Language)

3. Challenge Accepted: C Programming Quiz For Beginners With Answer

4. Looping Challenges Accept: Take Our C Programming MCQ Quiz And 50 MCQ With Explanation

5. Challenge Accepted: Function C Programming MCQ Quiz – Master the Basics!

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